
Trading Power Suits for Boardshorts: One Daughter’s Wild FIRE Journey to Paradise… and Her Accountant Mom Just Trying to Keep Up

Welcome to the Escape Plan!

Get ready for a hilarious, sun-soaked, and occasionally chaotic ride! Picture this: Piper, my brilliant daughter, graduates at the top of her class, lands a fancy law firm job… and immediately wants to set herself on fire (figuratively, of course). One epic Bali surf trip later, she’s ready to ditch the corporate world for a barefoot island lifestyle.

Piper, a beautiful surfer girl, standing in a blue ocean with her surfboard

Your Front-Row Seat to the Journey:

  • Piper’s Story: From overachiever to beachside hustler, watch her navigate the exciting (and sometimes ridiculous) world of FIRE.
  • A Mom’s Perspective: I love my wild child, but let’s be real, spreadsheets are my comfort zone. Join me as I learn “side hustle” lingo and try to make sense of it all!
  • Inspiration & Reality Checks: Get motivated by Piper’s journey, laugh at our missteps, and discover if this FIRE life could be for you too!

Join the Adventure!

  • Got a Crazy Escape Plan? Tell us all about it in the comments!
  • Witness the Wild Ride: Subscribe for blog updates, budgeting breakdowns, and epic wipeouts (both literal and financial).

P.S. Stay tuned for the “Mom Dictionary,” where I’ll translate all that spicy FIRE jargon so even a spreadsheet-lover can understand.

Let the good times (and the occasional eye-roll) roll!